Prostatitis is a disease that is prostate (prostate gland), which progresses as a result of the amendments to the chronicles of her. According to the statistics, the prevalence of the disease reaches 35-50%, and put it on the men, aged between 20 and 40 years of age.

The types of
Include the 4 forms of prostatitis:
- acute (bacterial);
- chronic bacterial;
- chronic non-bacterial;
- symptoms of chronic.
Prostatitis is acute it is very rare, due to the rapid flow of the inflammatory process and then the transition to the chronic phase (pseudo-enhancement).
Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, if not, it is called a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, you may have inflammation (the presence in the urine in the ejaculate to increase the content of white blood cells) and non-inflammatory in nature.
Causes of
The reason for both acute and chronic prostatitis, bacterial that are pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and fungi). More often than not a source of ignition are:
- escherichia coli;
- of the gas;
- staph;
- proteus;
- Klebsiella;
- pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- the cause of the sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonorrhea, trichomonas, cytomegalovirus, and others).
For the most part, the microorganisms that is located in the gut, in the skin-to-skin, but getting into the tissue of the prostate gland, they often cause an inflammatory process. Usually, the underlying cause of the disease, it is not an agent, and the association of different types of bacteria.
The development of prostatitis and chronic, can result in the following:
- the attending of diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
- a sedentary lifestyle (sitting" on the job);
- a tendency to constipation;
- by weakening the body's defenses;
- of the injury;
- the hormonal imbalance;
- the abuse of alcohol and smoking;
- promiscuous than their sex;
- the transitional and sexual life (for a long period of abstinence);
- to interrupt the sexual act itself;
- the irregular emptying of the gallbladder;
- unsatisfied sexual desire;
- tension and chronic;
- forum;
- the presence of cavities in the teeth, and other sources of chronic infection (eg, tonsillitis, chronic).
The symptoms of prostatitis
Prostatitis acute, it is a very insidious disease. "Get it" it is very difficult, because, first of all, the process is very quickly, become chronic, and in the second place, the majority of people would prefer to wait for the" manifestation of of prostatitis are acute in the home. A doctor, a patient with inflammation of the prostate gland is often already in the case of disorders of the erection, and other effects.
The acute form of the disease, it runs in the background:
- in the high temperature.
- shortness of breath;
- no other signs of intoxication (weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, and "t". on p.).
The inflammation of the prostate gland is accompanied by pain and swelling in the groin, in the groin area and the scrotum.
It is also painful, and an increase in the frequency of urinary tract. Sometimes, the urine, it can be noticed in off the pus.
In addition to this, the patient can draw attention to the lack of the life of erections in the early morning, the low-qualitytGov. an erection during intimacy, and to a marked shortening of the sexual act.
Symptoms of prostatitis-bacterial, can disappear or appear during periods of exacerbation. This stage is characterized by pain in the region of the groin and in the lower part of the abdomen, and they often irrationalt in the sacrum, the lower part of the back, and the like.
Are the typical symptoms of disorders of urination: weak urine stream, frequent urges, even though his own urine, if it stands out a little bit.
Later on, when, in the absence of treatment, chronic prostatitis, reaches its climax, which appear disorders of the sexual function. For example:
- lack of erection, or the lack thereof;
- painful erection, due to the fact that the patient is running away from a sexual act;
- withtEPtоwithtü an orgasm;
- in short, the sexual act itself;
- the pain of premature ejaculation.
It leaves a lot to be desired, and the overall health of the men, and that he quickly gets tired, always irritable, bad sleep.
Chronic AbaktEPandandлüный prostatitis is 95% across all of the prowithtandtandts, wrap them in a predominantly male, about 30 years of age. It is characterized by constant or recurring pain in the pelvic area, prostate, scrotum, in the laboratory at the lack of signs of inflammation. The cause of the disease could not be established.
The diagnosis
When the diagnosis of acute and chronic prostatitis in addition to the collection of complaints, medical history and examining the patient using either of the following methods:
- the general examination of the blood and of the urine;
- a microscopic examination of the secretions of the prostate gland, and planting it in a nurturing environment in order to identify the infectious agent (and the secret to get, after the exam, massaging the prostate through the rectum);
- cytology tests the urine;
- Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland and the pelvic organs;
- computer tomography and nuclear-magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI);
- a swab of the urethra in the microbiota.
The differential diagnosis is aimed at the delimitation of prostatitis, enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and the signs of stones in the prostate gland.
A full list of diagnostic procedures and drugs for the treatment of prostatitis state of the standard of assistance for the year 2012.
The treatment of prostatitis
The same symptoms may also be signs of various diseases, and the disease can escape, not from a textbook. Don't try to cure yourself — talk to your doctor.
The treatment of prostatitis takes you to the surgeon-urologist.
The purpose of etandоtroption of treatment, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the prostatitis, is the elimination of the pathogen. Depending on what they knew of the reasons for this are attributed to the antibiotic, antiviral, or antifungal agents. The duration of therapy for acute ppoctatute of is 7 to 10 days, the chronic process in 4 to 8 weeks.
For the treatment of a bacterial infection are:
- antibiotics as quinoline series (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin);
- macrolides (erythromycin, clarithromycin);
- doxycycline;
- drugs for anti-bacterial.
Antifungal agents are assigned on a per-oral and rectal routes in the light of the candles.
In addition, they are used to other kinds of therapy:
- anti-allergic
- protandвsоwithpandлandtелüнandя;
- the relief from the pain.
They are assigned as well:
- фandзandоproцедуры;
- and medical gymnastics;
- the massage of the prostate gland.
Over the course of the treatment, which lasts 3 to 4 months.
Not the whole, of the prostatitis is dangerous to the following complications:
- обwithtрукцandей of the urinary bladder, which results in an acute delay of urine;
- male infertility;
- the recurrent, inflammation of the urinary bladder;
- abscess of the prostate gland;
- depression;
- impotence;
- adenoma of the prostate gland;
- calculous prostatitis (color the same with the crippling pain of the head;
The prediction of when the ostrom ppoctatute conducive to the timely treatment leads to complete recovery. The frequency of exacerbations in chronic ppoctatute gets to 50% and above, but if it is to be compliant with the treatment, it is possible to achieve the reception of the remission of sins.
For the control of communicable diseases shall comply with the following terms and conditions:
- a regular sex life with your partner;
- an exemption from the bad ones.
- maintaining a healthy lifestyle (playing sports, hiking, walking in open air);
- compliance with the diet;
- a regular visit to the urologist.